Secure.wager, a prominent force in the internet gaming sector, has partnered with the burgeoning Professional League Association (PLA) in a strategic alliance. This collaboration seeks to substantially enhance PLA’s viewership and elevate its brand recognition.

PLA, boasting an impressive 500,000 members and millions of engagements per week, is primed for substantial expansion. They will utilize Secure.wager’s proficiency in income generation to achieve this objective. PLA provides a varied selection of athletic material, including collaborations with prominent sports wagering providers such as DraftKings, bet365, and Betfred.

Allan Petrilli, Chief Executive Officer of Secure.wager, conveyed his enthusiasm, declaring that PLA embodies the perfect collaborator for their organization. He underscored PLA’s groundbreaking approach to athletics and sports gambling, particularly their emphasis on burgeoning sports gaining traction. Petrilli stressed their eagerness to contribute to PLA’s ongoing progress.

Mike Salvaris, co-founder and associate at PLA, mirrored this sentiment, highlighting their trailblazing role in sports amusement. He acknowledged the magnitude and intricacy of the endeavor and expressed confidence in Secure.wager’s expertise and ingenuity, cultivated over years of shared familiarity.

We are excited to have them and their offerings on our system!”

On another note, BGaming has teamed up with internet provider BVGroup, as per a shared media announcement released earlier today. This agreement means that BVGroup users will now be able to enjoy BGaming’s collection of titles.

About the Author

By Lily "Lotus" Boone

Holding a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and a Master's in Sports Management, this skilled author has a passion for using mathematical and managerial techniques to optimize the performance and profitability of sports betting operations and to enhance the sports betting experience for players and fans. They have expertise in sports analytics, sports marketing, and sports betting operations, which they apply to the analysis of sports betting markets and the development of strategies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of sports betting products and services. Their articles and reviews provide readers with a sports management perspective on the casino industry and the strategies used to create value and excitement for sports bettors and enthusiasts.

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